Your Journey
The Great Adventure
If it feels like there should be more to life. If you desire to work with your body, mind, and heart. If you feel pulled by the demands of life, and desire balance, this program is for you!
This is a sacred one-on-one journey into the magic of transformation as you connect to your inner being. A nine session adventure into your body, mind, and heart.
Live by Design
Each session we unwrap new tools to integrate transformation. As you weave these practices into your life you begin to understand how to design your life instead of being pushed and pulled through life.
Build a foundation of peace deep within. Discover the pleasure of living. Get to know yourself and connect to your passion as you unearth the essence of your purpose.
This is a safe place where love holds you as you embark on an adventure of Peace, Pleasure, Passion, and Purpose.
Foundations of Transformation
Throughout your journey we explore four foundations
- You will understand the significance of coming back to your center & how to do that.
- Using visualization you will learn how to connect with your peace and what that feels like.
- Using daily check ins, you will begin to create peace for yourself as you align to your own rhythm. Align what you do with who you are.
- Through specific inquiries, you will access what makes you tick on a body, mind and heart level so you can design a life around what supports you instead of drains you.
- Experience how peace can permeate life. See how being grounded & centered allows you to respond to life instead of react to it.
- Learn how to view time differently.
- Begin to release the struggle against time to build a life on what really matters to you.
- Be empowered as you understand how you think and begin to build new pathways in your brain. Let go of old patterns and habits as you build joy into your being.
- Uncover emotions and how you interact with them. Learn powerful tools to explore your emotions and be able to process them.
- Discover what it is to fall in love with life!
- Experience how to quiet your heart and open up to the beauty and pleasure that is here for you.
- Explore and look at the myth of balance.
- Shine a light on the frustrations of your life and what is causing resistance in your world. With this knowledge you will be able to create change as you learn how to open your heart.
- Start to notice how your mind, body and heart react to the world around you. This gives you a practical way to get in touch with yourself and the passion that lies within you.
- What makes you feel alive? What flows from your very being? Through specific inquiry and play you begin to discover what ignites your soul.
- Understand how passion works in the varying stages of life.
- What is this experience of life for you?
- Once you have an understanding of yourself you take a dive into your heart’s rhythm. With specific inquiry you will take practical direction to feel into the essence of your purpose.
- Explore the magic of choice. Show up powerfully in your world and begin to discover what is important to you so you put your energy there. Choose to direct your life so you live the fullest version of you.
- Create check points to help you stay clear and supported, not frayed and exhausted.
- Understand how purpose looks in the ebb and flow of flow of life.
Activate Your Journey
Live By Design
$150Per Session
This is a dynamic one-on-one program where each session we unpack the themes and practice them on a body, mind, and heart level. You will receive the teachings for peace, pleasure, passion and purpose and be lead through the tools and practices so you experience what you are learning.
This is where you discover clarity and feel the experience for yourself. It is only through experience that we truly grow. The practices are not more things to do but rather practical in-the-moment tools. For the entire 9 sessions this is your sacred space. This is where the activation all starts every single session!
- Includes 9 sessions in-person or on zoom. (Approximately 60-90 minutes)
- Includes printable doodle sheets and wisdom cards that go with each session.
Payment Options:
$150/session with all sessions paid and redeemed within 12 months
(Or $1350 one time payment)
Pricing is in Canadian Dollars
Program Registration
Contact Jen by email or text/phone to register:
(780) 916-2650
If you have any questions simply book a 20 minute call with Jen to learn more.